Why I Wrote "Merged By Magic: A Meeting of Minds"

Why I Wrote "Merged By Magic: A Meeting of Minds" - By Benjamin Tolen

As a young teen, summer breaks from school usually led me to seek refuge in the cool relief of central air-conditioning at one of the few places in our small town where such an amenity was available: the Public Library. Books were available at home, but at the library, I could dive into topics that actually interested me, like art, photography, computers, and cars. I soon began to read extensively, devouring fiction and non-fiction across all genres and topics that piqued my interest.

With a single mother and three boys, ours was a busy household, and as the middle child I often found myself on my own. If I had questions about difficult or potentially embarrassing subjects, such as sex, I wasn’t always sure who to approach. Fortunately, I was able to persuade my mom to authorize the upgrade of my library card to an adult version, thereby allowing me access to any book in the library. I can recall some of the librarians being less than pleased about this, but nevertheless, I began borrowing books in search of answers to all of my questions.

Soon, I became captivated by the power of storytelling through fiction. Non-fiction was straightforward enough, but the fiction I read provided answers to questions that I had struggled to form in my head and was not able to ask anyone directly. Books became my preferred source of information. They led me to even more questions that I didn’t even know I had, and would sometimes provide answers to those questions, and the stories always applied context to concepts. This exploration of fiction was my introduction to the process of developing knowledge and its progression toward wisdom.
It was during those adolescent years in that library that I promised my young self that I would someday write a book. Then I grew up, got married, and started a family. Life’s necessities consumed my days. My promise was pushed to a distant corner of my mind, but the desire to write and read never left me. Over the years, I made various attempts to put a few words down; however, I never managed to complete anything I deemed shareable.

In 2020, the COVID-19 lockdowns brought drastic changes for me and my family, as for many others across the globe. In the absence of a daily commute, I found myself with a few extra hours each day that I initially dedicated to expanding my job-related pursuits, but that soon began to feel hollow. Too much had changed in the world and in our lives, and I began to reevaluate. I found my thoughts returning to the books and stories that I had read in my youth.
Over the years, I have read extensively from both ancient and modern Stoic authors, and I have come to embrace certain key Stoic concepts, such as understanding what is beyond my control, doing the best I can with those things I can control, and always working to prepare for opportunities whenever they present themselves. These habits grew naturally out of the learning, writing, reading, and perseverance that began in that small town library when I was a curious youth looking for answers about the world around me. Looking back, I realized that the books that I was drawn to at an early age also embodied many Stoic principles, although I was unaware of that at the time. What could I write now that would resonate with my younger self seeking answers in books? This question was the catalyst for writing and completing this book.

After years of writing, outlining, researching, editing, and introspection—not to mention navigating doubts—I am proud to release the first book in the "Merged by Magic" series. My hope is that readers will not only enjoy the story but also find answers to some of their questions and, more importantly, discover new questions to explore about themselves and the world around us.
The above is taken from the book's preface.

To purchase Kindle version, paper back, or read online Kindle unlimited click here: https://amzn.to/3D0lEkn

Book Description:

An adolescent named Artie Oswald shares the story of growing up, grappling with the burdens others have placed on him while trying to live his own life and do what is right. Artie's burden? He has just learned that he is a clone, created by a powerful old wizard named Uther Geoffrey after Uther's original body was destroyed. As Artie reaches puberty, Uther's personality and memories begin to emerge within him.

The re-awakened Uther discovers that his clone, Artie, already has a distinct adolescent personality. As Uther retrieves his memories, he realizes that his last body was destroyed by other wizards seeking his knowledge, though he is unsure what hidden information they were after. The wizard must help protect Artie, Artie's family, their loved ones, and himself while trying to uncover why others are so desperate to obtain the wizard's knowledge, now hidden away inside his clone's body.

Together, they must navigate multiple personalities, hormones, magic, school, demons, family, wizards, friends, bullies, and girls.

Young Adult (YA): Fantasy, Speculative Fiction, Magical Realism


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